#4 - Candle Lids and Containers

It’s that time of year where it’s a little colder out and a little heat, light and ambience from some candles could be really nice. Go ahead, light a couple extra candles this winter with confidence you could be adding some money to your scrap metal recycling bin. A lot of the candles out there have some sort of metal lid. Often those kids have paint, plastic and other material so it would be consider scrap metal. Also, some candle containers can often be metal as-well, typically a tin steel and because of paint, stickers and wax residue it’s also considered scrap metal. Add it to your scrap bin all winter long and let that bin of money add up!

I also want to mention that most tea light candles are made out of aluminum, those can be put into a bin different then the scrap metal, they can be stored with other scrap aluminum metal like tin foil and aluminum cat food cans. When taken to the scrap yard, the aluminum scrap should be a higher payout.

I’ll make a specific blog posts for tea lights at some point and also a break down of what bins I use and how I sort out my metal.

Note: Never leave candles unattended and never put a candle where it can catch something on fire.

Thanks for reading!



#5 - Tea Light Candles


#3 Bread Twist Ties