Metal Art Creations
Below are a select few of my metal art creations that really mean a lot to me.
Grandpas House
I chose to create a birdhouse surrounded by the flowers that my grandpa plants on his property in Michigan every year. My goal was to be as realistic as possible from the tree trunk holding up the birdhouse all the way down to realistic shingles on the bird house. The flowers were hand drawn and cut out of different steels and aluminum to add different colors and textures.
Since moving to Canonsburg, PA, me, my wife and kids have been close enough to visit family a couple of times a year including my wife’s grandfather, Art Magsig, in DeWitt, MI. His 4 acres tucked away in a remote area is like home away from home. He has handmade bird feeders all over the property bringing in all types of beautiful birds and other animals. He has a wide variety of flowers growing around the property like sunflowers, irises (our late grandmother’s favorite), peonies, wildflowers and zinnias—just to name a few. I wanted to create an art piece that reflected the memories and I'm happy to share them with you.
If These Rings Could Talk
Imagine sitting down to a nice glass of wine while viewing this art piece. What would it say?
Would it tell you about long days on the farm? Would it tell you about fantastic wines? Would it tell you about where it was from?
I’d like to think it would tell you all that plus some.
Inspired by all that’s listed above this art piece was created from vintage wagon wheels and vintage wine barrel rings.
From the morning light is cast a showdown on the wall and changes throughout the day as the sun rises and lowers and as
you turn on lights it cast new shadows in shows in different directions. It’s always changing the way you see it.
Where Pittsburgh Meets At The Point.
In a wold filled with so much disconnect I wanted to create something to show the unity of the City Of Pittsburgh. A city filled with so much creativity, love, kindness and respect I think some people forget that were all neighbors and need to be reminded that on a daily basis. Full of color, bright colors, dull colors, black and gold, you can pick whatever color your want but if you take a flashlight and cast the shadow of this are piece on the wall it shows one thing, the skyline of Pittsburgh. It doesn’t matter what color paint is used, the shadow shows the same color.
Whimsical Yet Grounded
This piece represents being grounding and having a good foundation, but also be whimisical and spontaneous. Jonny believes it's a good balance in life that he tries to remind himself of daily.
The piece is made of a combination of mild and stainless steel put together using MIG welding with a little bit of forging, heating, and bending. The finished product required a lot of different techniques to get each piece in the desired shape.