.....................................“The world accommodates you for fitting in, but only rewards you for standing out.”...........................................“A daisy in a garden fits in; a rose in a desert stands out.” -someone without a @HandleBadge

.....................................“The world accommodates you for fitting in, but only rewards you for standing out.”...........................................“A daisy in a garden fits in; a rose in a desert stands out.” -someone without a @HandleBadge


We saw a need and decided to fill that need! HandleBadge is a way to respectfully and gracefully add some flair to your event badge. It will help you stand out and embrace the name you have been working so hard to promote. If its your personal name or business name, let it be seen! #HandleBadge

This page is proudly brought to you by JonnySWeld, LLC.
HandleBadge is owned and operated by Jonny Snider of JonnySWeld, LLC


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Leather Lanyard
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3" Round Sticker (Gang Run)
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