Rising Tides
Raise All Ships (SAMPLE PAGE)

Let’s see if we can help some of our friends and rise that tide together.

Below is a list of ways to help out. I am going to start by adding promo codes from some select friends. If you're looking to buy from any of the businesses listed below, use someone’s promo code and help get them a kickback.

Danea Bushkoetter

EDGE Cups - WELDERDANEA - 00% off with promo code
00% cash back when ordered through the link

Bryn Otto

EDGE Cups - BRYNWELDS - 00% off with promo code
00% cash back when ordered through the link


Jonny Snider

EDGE Cups - JONNYSWELD - 00% off with promo code
00% cash back when ordered through the link

Zylch Cups - JONNYSWELD 10% off / 10% back
PGHPrintShip - JONNYSWELD - $5 back / $5 back
Brunt - JONNYSWELD10 - 10% off first order / no kickback
Benchmark Abrasives - JONNYWELDS10 - 10% off first order / no kickback
Amazon Affiliate Link - No % off / Kickback depending on the purchase.

Recommended promo codes from friends not listed on this website:

Steve Dala - K-Mart - code: SAMPLE 10% off / 10% back
Martin Short - PeacockTV - code: FREE 1% off 1% back

If we can find ways to support one another,
we can accomplish great things.