WELCOME!!!! You are awesome!!! Thank you so much for signing up!!! I can't wait to start diving into the program.

WELCOME!!!! You are awesome!!! Thank you so much for signing up!!! I can't wait to start diving into the program.

Other Perks!
Members Only Sticker
Discounts Code on my Shop
EDGE Welding Discount Code
Discount Code at PGH Print Ship
Random MailCalls from me.
Be the first to know about sales!

First of all, welcome to the page. This page will be your new home away from home. Together we will learn so much, grow as a small business owners and open up our minds to awesome possibilities!

At this point you have just signed up. We have exchanged a few messages and I’m up to speed on your business or where you want to be with your future business. I will have a list of blogs that i’ve written to read for people new to the subscription page. Those will be available 24/7, 365.

The other blogs and updates will be available for 2 months and then removed, keeping each subject and idea current and up to date. With social media changing so often I want to make sure the info I share is right on point.

I can’t wait to dive in.

Insert Blog!



Youtube videos

Form for a personalized business/social media evaluation