Project Local Metal Art
Founded by Jonny Snider / JonnySWeld, LLC
Project Metal Local Art
Public Local Metal Art (PLMA) Is founded by Jonny Snider of JonnySWeld and is way to bring bring the community together through art and promoting the importance of recycling metal.
What exactly is PLMA?
Let’s cut through the metal and get down to what is really going on here. In its simplest form, we pickup trash in specific community from the streets, sidewalks, creeks and paths and use the metal we find, to make a sculpture for that community. The trash we either throw out or recycle if we can. Cleaning up the streets and making art. Perfect combination.
What city are you work on right now?
Great Question. This project has not started yet but the first one will be Canonsburg, PA. It's where my small business is based out of and will be the first place I’d like to showcase this project and be a leading example for the surrounding communities.
Can PLMA to a project for my city?
YES! We can work with your city on getting the PLMA crew out to your city, town, burro, community to put us to work and bring some awareness to your community. This project is free and funded by donations. (Click here to donate) Right now we are limited to the Canonsburg and surrounding areas. As we grow our reach will grow with it.
Can I get Involved?
Getting the community involved is a great way to allow everyone to have a hand in this process, We would like to have some help on scheduled trash clean up days where we can come together to clean the streets and sort materials. This is a great experience to teach everyone of all ages the importance of recycling and what is recyclable. Getting the community involved in the thought process of the art piece is welcome too. At this moment we don’t now allow help physically welding and installing the sculpture for safety reasons, but could be an option in the future.
Who will create the sculpture?
The design itself will be preplanned before the project is started. The physical building of the sculpture will be performed by Jonny Snider of JonnySweld, LLC.
How do we contact you?
Right now the best way to contact us is through the form below. you can also e-mail us at
Contact on instagram: @jonnysweld and @artbyjonnysweld